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Sarah McVay

Sarah McVay


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As the Director of Nursing at Louisiana Tech University, I want you to know how much we all appreciate you and your service during this COVID-19 pandemic, and I invite you watch this short video expressing my pride and gratitude.

I also want to share a message from one of our graduating seniors, Maecee Thornton, who just completed her preceptor experience at one of our local hospitals. "The Louisiana Tech Nursing Program is a fast-paced, high stress environment that prepares you for the real world. The amazing faculty give you enough freedom to learn self-discipline while giving you the support to grow confidently in your nursing career. Louisiana Tech has a history of sending excellent, hardworking nurses into the field, and I am so proud to be part of such an amazing program."

You are in our thoughts daily - thank you!

Donna Hood
Director of Nursing
Louisiana Tech University

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